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May 9, 2023
See Salut for full details
Oct 15, 2019
see Salut for full details
Jul 5, 2019
The annual Fete de la Musique took place on the 22nd June this year, see Salut of full details.............
Jun 20, 2019

Hayling Island Twinning visit to Gorron in France 3-6th May 2019

An early morning departure by Brittany Ferries to Caen saw 50 plus members of Hayling Island Twinning Association on their way to France........ see Salut for full article.

Oct 6, 2016

Treasure Hunt

On Sunday 18th September 22 people met Vince Dean at The Maypole car park on a beautiful sunny afternoon.
Category: General
Posted by: Stacey
On Sunday 18th September 22 people met Vince Dean at The Maypole car park on a beautiful sunny afternoon.

They arrived in 7 cars (and two bicycles!) and included men, women and children.

Vince had devised an ingenious Hunt with some very obscure clues. One or two had some of us running through Northney like headless chickens.

He managed to steer us to all four corners of the island, picking up letters at different locations. These letters then made a word and you had to have the word to qualify for the prize.

Once finished we returned to The Maypole, handed in our entries, and enjoyed the sunshine, with a welcome beverage, until everyone was back. Well done Colin and Anita (the cyclists) you weren't too far behind the last car!

The winner was drawn from a hat and the winners were the Brydon family.

Many thanks to Vince, it must have taken a long time and effort.

And the word was......JUMELAGE!