Who Are We?
The Twinning Association is open to everyone and anyone. There are no pre-requisites other than the wish to socialise and perhaps help out occasionally with events.
There is no requirement for members to speak french or even go on the french trips since many members simply enjoy the Association's Hayling Island based social events. See below for information on how to join us, and for more information on the current organisation please look at our organisation page.
Skittles Challenge
Petersfield were unfortunately low on numbers, so we lent them some of our best players (not) to make two decent sized teams. Unfortunately, Petersfield lost (oh dear) all three rounds, it was difficult for them as Colin Knight, playing for Hayling scored 14 with 3 balls and ended the evening as highest overall scorer. Several of our other players also managed to clear all the skittles with 3 balls.
During a short break we enjoyed an excellent hot buffet, food highly recommended.
To complete the evening a game of Killer brought out the passion especially as money was involved! Each person pays 50p to play and starts with 3 lives. The game starts with nine skittles and each person gets to bowl one ball in turn. Hit a skittle and you keep your lives, miss and you lose a life (a full set of nine skittles are only reset when the last remaining skittle has been knocked down). The game continues until one remaining player (Sue Loveridge) wins the pot - £10. Oh, how players eagerly encourage the person throwing before them that they hit the last remaining pin so they get a full nine skittles to bowl at.
A very pleasant evening.