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Feb 21, 2019
Cosy Quiz 2019
Feb 21, 2019
Annual Dinner
Feb 21, 2019


Mar 1, 2018
Friday 16th February saw Hayling Twinners challenging The Petersfield Twinning Association to an evening of skittles at the Barley Mow, Walderton.


The Associations organisation is fairly simple with a Committee that meets about 10 times each year.  The committee meetings are used to discuss current issues, plan future events, oversee the annual Ale-ing Fest, and to evolve our links with Gorron.  The Committee links with the membership through:

At the AGM one third of the Committee stand-down each year, allowing other members the opportunity to stand for election to the Committee.

If you are interested in reading the Twinning Constitution go to the constitution tab under organisation on our home page.

Roles of various Committee Members


The President of the Club is an honorary position held by Averil Pollicot in recognition of her role in the setting up of the Association. The President will support the Chairman, representing the Club if required and will act as a lead when required, for example to welcome club guests, judging or giving prizes.

In the event of the failure or dissolution of the Club’s Committee, the President will lead and take the necessary action to rectify the issue or wind up the Club.


The Chairman’s role is to provide leadership to the Association and to the Committee, ensuring that the Association operates to meet the agreed Aims of the Association.  Specifically the Chairman will:


The Secretary’s role is to support the administration of the Association and facilitate and support Committee Meetings.  Specifically the Secretary will:


The Treasurer’s role is to ensure that the fiscal assets of the Association are properly managed*.  Specifically the Treasurer will:

Membership Secretary

The Membership Secretary’s role is to promote membership, maintain membership records and to collect membership dues.  Specifically the Membership Secretary will:

External Publicity Member

The External Publicity Member’s role is to manage the flow of information from the Committee to the general public.  Specifically the External Publicity Member will:

Membership Publicity Member

The Membership Publicity Member’s role is to manage the flow of information to the membership so that the membership is aware of forthcoming events and matters of interest.  Specifically the Membership Publicity Member will:

Entertainments Member

The Entertainments Member’s role is to manage a programme of events for the Members, as agreed by the Committee.   Each event will have a ‘lead’ person, usually not the Entertainments Member. Specifically the Entertainments Member will:

Ale-ing Fest Member

The Ale-ing Fest Member’s role is to chair the Ale-ing Fest sub-committee.  The Ale-ing Fest sub-committee is responsible to the Twinning Committee for raising funds for the Association and for providing a successful Island social event.  Specifically the Aleing Fest Member is to:

Where decisions are made by vote the Ale-ing Fest Chairman has a deciding vote in the case of a tie.

* The Treasurer has a specific role within the Committee in relation to money matters but responsibility for financial management lies with the Committee as a whole.
** The Aims are laid out in the Association’s Constitution.

The present Committee Members are:

Averil - President and External Publicity Member

Dudley - Chairman

Tony - Vice Chairman

Stacey - Treasurer

Vi - Secretary

Kathy - Membership Secretary

Allan - Membership Publicity Member

Sue - Entertainments Member

Julia - Website Co-ordinator

Dave - Committee Member